When it’s too Little, Too Late.

                   I have always had the feeling that if people were reminded of their death every day, they would live their li...


I have always had the feeling that if people were reminded of their death every day, they would live their lives in a completely different way. I do not mean to scare anyone but we all know that death is inevitable. It is something that most people do not think of or at least talk about often.
I have had those moments where I have felt the fear of having regrets when the end of my life is near. Regrets from things I did, regrets from things I did not do and regrets from things I did with no zeal.
Sometimes we do things not considering other people’s feelings. Sometimes we talk carelessly and end up hurting other people and often are the times we go for stones and lose diamonds.
Do not wait till this vulnerable time comes so you can start listing the things you should or should have not done.
Now that you are alive and kicking, make a point of honoring your dreams. At least if not all of them, half of them. Do not wait for the time when you will be on your death bed so you can start wishing you had acted differently. Pursue your dreams and make them happen.
You got into a nasty argument with your parents and did not keep in touch since then. Take a brave step of approaching and expressing your feelings to them. Do not bottle up feelings because if you do, you will have settled for a mediocre life. Make things right with them. Do not wait for that moment when you will wish you had made things right with the people you love.
Many people realize that their happiness matters in a relationship during the last stages of their lives. Do not reach the point where you wish you had left the abusive relationship you were in. if you are not happy in your relationship right now, leave.
Happiness is a choice that you should make for yourself. Do not fear change. You may not understand now but change is good. Change takes place for the better.
If you are wise, you will heed to what I have just said. Learn from it and integrate what I have said into your own lives. Remember that you always have a choice. Therefore, choose happiness. Be a better friend right now, spend more time with your family, apologize when you have wronged someone, be yourself and do it right. It might not be easy but in the end, you will be a happy person, comfortable with the life you have lived.

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