7 Signs He/she is Just Not Into You; The no-excuses truth to understanding men.

Love is a beautiful thing though at times we fall in love with the wrong people or maybe at the wrong time. This article is gender ...

Love is a beautiful thing though at times we fall in love with the wrong people or maybe at the wrong time. This article is gender sensitive. It is directed to men and women of all ages. At first I wanted to write this article directed to men but I remembered that just as men withdraw from relationships, women do equally the same thing.
I am open to comments (from any gender) on any points I might have left out. Thank you and I hope you enjoy.

1.     You begin texting all the time.
This point on its own is self-explanatory but due to some peeps who seem not to get the point I will explain. You call and text your partner every morning, every night or whenever. If you don’t do it then ya’ll gon’ be silent on each other the whole day. When you text, that is when they remember that they missed you. Here’s the bitter truth, you in love alone. Your partner is just not into you. At times he/she might pick your call but that does not cut it.
 And before I forget, please stop justifying your partners’ actions because no matter how busy he or she is time for the relationship will always be there. Do not spend your time on and give your heart to any person who makes you wonder about anything related to his feelings for you.

2.     The know it all
Your relationship is almost six months old and your boyfriends or girlfriend has not bothered to know your surname, what you do, your birth date or even where your parents live. They assume that they know or should not know any other thing about you apart from your first name which in most cases keeps disappearing from their memory. They are just comfortable knowing your first name and that’s it.
My dear you should get up and run like the wind without looking back. You see those ear buds in your dirt bin? Well, you are as important to him or her as a used ear bud.

3.     MIA pro
Sometimes your partner goes missing in action for three days or even a week and comes back like nothing happened. At times you seek for an explanation and it is as lame as the word lame as itself. Honey your name does not exist in his/her book anymore so stop sticking around thinking that they will change.  If they at least liked you they would explain why they were not around for such a long time but No, they did not see the need because it does not matter whether you are getting hurt or not.

4. “Honey I’m broke”
*sigh* should I really explain this? Well anyway, you never ever go out for actual dates, to the movies or to that concert of a musician you both like. He/she insists on coming to your place and spends time with you. When you are lucky and they agree to go for a ticket concert with you, you will be the payer of the bills because they are broke. Wake up and smell the coffee dear, they are just not comfortable with walking with you in public. Is it too hard to understand that?  A relationship should be between people who are comfortable with each other’s company. Maybe they just do not find you attractive or they are just not into you. Period.

4.     S3x oriented.
Whenever you meet up at your place or his place, it is all about s3x. your partner always wants to get you to bed and you innocently conform. I am not going to throw stones at you for that but I have been carrying this large brick in my bag and it fits the situation. When you meet up, you do not even talk about how your day was or what your plans are for the weekend. It is all s3x. it is time you realized that you have been a s3x toy to your partner and he or she just doesn’t respect you. You are as good as that toy you loved playing with when you were a kid and threw it away when you grew up. Move on honey.
It’s worse for women when this is done t them as compared to guys who bounce back pretty fast.

5.     Does not call back.
I am going to explain this very carefully so as to keep you from rationalizing what I am about to say. You tried calling your partner and left him a voice message. He or she listens to it and does not call back. You have argued over the phone and you accidentally or intentionally hang up. He or she does not call back. You met yesterday on a first blind date. He or she gets your number and promises to call back. He or she doesn’t.
I am sure by now you get the drill. They are just not into you. They do not care.
Here is something to think about: calling when you say you are going to is the first brick in the house you are building of love and trust. If he/she can’t lay this one stupid brick down, you are never going to have a house baby, and it’s cold outside.

6.     The perfectionist
You are going out on a date and you meet up at that fancy restaurant. You walk in with lots of confidence because you took two hours just to get ready, dressing up, making your hair, putting on make-up and all and for once you have never felt so good. While you are on it, your partner starts asking you why you wore that dress or that tuxedo. They tell you how it makes you look fat and go on and on and on and on……
Common someone who is into you will not do anything that puts you down or makes you feel inferior.

7.     Slow decision maker.
They are taking too long to decide whether to fall in love with you or not. They are torn between you and probably some other person they find equally or more attractive than you are. You care about what happens to him or her but they still choose to keep you around as they make up their mind which might probably take forever. They are keeping you around for fun. Life is too short. Save your neck and quit wasting your time, money and energy.

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